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Install with pip

The easiest way to install SpeechLine is via pip.

Latest PyPI Release

pip install speechline

This will install the latest released version of SpeechLine from PyPI. However, it might not be up to date with the one found in git. We recommend installing via pip but cloning the latest main branch.

Latest Git Main Branch

pip install git+

Editable Install

You will need an editable install if you’d like to:

  • Use the main version of the source code.
  • Contribute to SpeechLine and need to test changes in the code.

Clone the repository and install SpeechLine with the following commands:

git clone
cd speechline
pip install -e .

Also install several other dependencies for testing purposes:

pip install -r requirements_test.txt

Now you can easily update your clone to the latest version of SpeechLine with the following command:

git pull

Your Python environment will find the main version of SpeechLine on the next run.

Linux Packages

SpeechLine relies on several Linux packages in order to run properly. On Linux, you can easily install dependencies by running:

sudo apt install ffmpeg
sudo apt-get install libsndfile1-dev